Klaus Schwab Openly Admits to Globalist World Domination Plan

Breaking! Klaus Schwab Confesses to Criminal World Domination Plan.

World Economic Forum founder and Great Reset architect Klaus Schwab admitted the NGO is able to steer the global agenda because it has successfully penetrated the cabinets of several world governments. Speaking to political commentator and Bohemian Grove alum David Gergen in 2017 at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics, Schwab described how the WEF’s modus operandi is to penetrate governments by installing its “young global leaders.”

Klaus Schwab brags about his World Economic Foundation's global leader program and its graduates who range from politicians like Tulsi Gabbard, Emanuel Macron to celebrities and media figures such as Fox New's Maria Bartiromo.  A list of alumni and current class from The Forum of Young Global Leaders can be found at:https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community



Date 11/29/2024


Date 12/16/2024

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